
IngeniArs has been awarded first prize at Innovation Award 2019 held by the Chamber of Commerce in Pisa, because of SIMPLE project, which has been financed by the EU H2020 Phase 2 Competition. SIMPLE aims at developing innovative solutions for the last worldwide generation of on board communication standard, SpaceFibre. Thanks to all organisers and to our great team which made this great achievement possible. Congrats also to Qbrobotics and Kode as “ex-equo” winners for the micro-enterprises category.
The Innovation Award 2019 aims at awarding the most innovative companies on a local scale for their original ideas or projects. The award ceremony took place on 31st January at Chamber of Commerce in Pisa. Ex-CEO Luca Fanucci and new CEO Giuseppe Gentile received the prize. Eng. Gentile came back to Italy after 12 years spent at the European Space Agency in Holland. In the picture, both CEOs and the Chamber of Commerce President Mr. Valter Tamburini. At this link, a short videoclip recorded by Telegranducato TV which speaks about IngeniArs and the winning project: